Get the TOTAL SUPPORT you need to SAFELY QUANTUM LEAP your Christian Company.

PLAN to Excel

Stress-free, Spirit-led Systems & Strategies to Grow your Business with Grace

Join the next cohort before time runs out!...

@expertanjanee You should be feeling love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control EVERY SINGLE DAY as a business owner, especially as a Christian one. And if your business has you feeling hectic , anxious, frustrated, and heavy all the time then you’re probably missing SUPPORT. PLAN to Excel is the Total Business Support Program you’ve been aching for. To guide you and care for you as you build support structures into your business for stress-free, sustainable success. But doors close on this cohort on Tuesday, Nov. 7th at 11:59 EST. Make sure you’re on the right side when they do. You know where the link is. #businesssupport #christianbusinesssupport #ceomindset #christianentrepreneurs #chrisitantiktok #entrepreneurtips #faithtok #businessautomations #organizedbusinessboss #womenoffaith #christianentrepreneurship #christiantiktokcommunity #christianbrand #strategicplanning #businessstrategy2024 #christianleadership #jesus #fruitofthespirit✝️ ♬ original sound - Ampere Business Solutions

You’ll leave with…

  • The TOTAL SUPPORT you need to grow with grace

  • The 5 strategic support structures that create a stress-free, money-making, sustainable Christian Business Model

  • Guidance to calm any existing chaos without overburdening yourself

  • Time-saving systems and techniques to get more work done in less time so you can help more people and make more money

  • The tangible tools and simple strategies to prevent anxiety and overwhelm in your business in the future

  • Accountability to show your business as much attention and care as it deserves so it can in turn support you and your needs

  • A Christ-centered business perspective to serve well and do good through your business

  • God given confidence to boldly lead your Christian company to and through your absolute highest level of achievement

The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it.

Proverbs 10:22

💭 Imagine for a moment...🤔

...that your business has been granted every single resource that it needs.

Like some generous benefactor has gifted you every dollar and employee you need to transform from small startup to BIG business.

This unbelievable gift is yours free of charge but under one condition…

You keep running your business exactly how you were running it before this moment. 

You can invest more into the areas you've already given attention to, but you cannot develop anything new beyond your current priorities.

Would you be on track to bring home millions before the end of the week? Or would the pressure of this unforeseen expansion make you crash and burn within the first 48 hours?

Unfortunately for most of you, the current state of your Christian company is an anxiety-producing, mind-numbing, disheartening, pile of a mess. It is yet another worry on your already oppressive to-do list, with no relief in sight. 

And if the thought of unlimited staff, and unlimited resources only makes you feel more burden, more worry, more stress, and all the reasons why you should give up on this business right now, I have incredible news for you. 

GOD is showing you a new way!

The thought of increase should fill you with joy, not dread.

The thought of God sending more resources - more Clients, more customers, more employees, more reach, YOUR INCREASE - should light you up, not stress you out.

You’re not supposed to be working in a constant state of pressure, frustration, anguish, or dysfunction as a high-achieving Christian entrepreneur. 

In fact, your connection to God should have you moving in a surplus of peace and prosperity.  

Just look at the story of King David as your example.

David was a multi-passionate high achiever who found so much success and delight in the Lord that he danced with all his might and wrote 73 Psalms as odes and thank you's.

He is the example of the peace, prosperity, and purpose that you should be feeling when you're a person after God's own heart.

But more often than not I see talented, called, Christian entrepreneurs turning down aligned opportunities–to make money, make an impact, and help people–because they’re too overwhelmed.


So how do you bridge the gap between what it looks like for you to serve at your highest potential and what it feels like to carry that load?

You get the SUPPORT that you need and you deserve.

If you want to experience joy and fulfillment–while you reach your highest levels of success in your business–you need SUPPORT.

Running and growing your business should give you that “night before the first day of school” feeling.

It should have you eager to jump out of bed everyday, overflowing with ideas and creativity, and dancing and singing with gratitude and delight like King David.

When you love what you do everyday you glow differently!

And 9 times out of 10 you’re not experiencing these feelings because you are lacking support in some area.

Now most people try to make up for this lack of support by leaning on other people. They hire virtual assistants, buy other people’s “done-for-you” strategies, and try to replicate success through others. And some even go to the extreme of looking for business partners to replace them in the areas where they feel they aren’t sufficient.

But the problem with these “solutions” is that external people don't have the vision, the dedication, the soul connection or the emotional attachment that you do to your business. They’re NEVER going to be able to pour back into your company the way you can.

So let’s explore how you can get the support you need by first looking within and then radiating it out.

When you think about support I want you to think about it as both a noun and a verb.

Noun - a thing that bears the weight of something or keeps it upright.

Think pillars or beams

This type of support in your business comes in the form of ORGANIZATION and STRUCTURE. It is the framework that keeps you on your aligned path and holds it all together.

Verb - to give assistance to, especially financially; enable to function or act.

Think vitamins or supplements

This type of support in your business comes in the form of SYSTEMS and AUTOMATION. It allows you to supplement your manual labor, with or without other humans.

STRATEGIC SUPPORT STRUCTURES are the missing link that you need to take your business from yet another burden on your already weary shoulders and turn it into the soul igniting, purpose fulfilling, elating experience that it is supposed to be.

Your STRATEGIC SUPPORT STRUCTURES become known as your MASTER PLAN–aka your intentionally created, God-approved business model–and I’ve cracked the code on building it WITHOUT engulfing your already full life or sacrificing yourself to do so... you can boldly and joyfully run your Christian company at the absolute highest levels of service, sales, and success.

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

Proverbs 16:3

The PLAN Method is my framework to quickly and efficiently build support into your Christian business model. It breaks down the process of developing your MASTER PLAN into four manageable application phases, WITHOUT overburdening your life and while making sure you ACTUALLY HAVE FUN throughout the process. 

Phase 1 - P: Processes & Procedures

Systems for How you Work

Phase 1 ensures that God's standard of excellence is met with every client every time. It's how all the pieces of your business fit together to get work done efficiently and effectively. It’s how you plan and standardize your work with strategic focus to hit your goals and deliver on your promise.

Phase 2 - L: Leveraging Your Resources

Systems to Help you Work

Phase 2 teaches you softwares and strategies to help you offload your to-do list, delegate tasks, and increase your income without increasing your effort. This is how you expand your capacity without burning yourself out or getting overwhelmed.

Phase 3 - A: Adjust & Amplify

Systems to Maximize Your Work

Phase 3 helps you expand your reach to get your gifts into the hands of more people and serve at a greater level. This phase helps you find your focus so you can make more sales and impact as many lives as possible for the Glory of God.

Phase 4 - N: Nonnegotiable Success

Systems for Staying Accountable

Phase 4 is the key to staying the course and seeing the plan through no matter what. Within it you'll find failsafes to put in place to check in on your progress, pivot when needed, and rest but never quit, knowing your mission is bigger than yourself.

Once you’ve completed them all, you’ll have built up your strategic support structures that place your business on solid ground and you'll have developed a simple, sustainable, Spirit-led business model that brings you joy in your business and joy in your life. 

And I’ve created my PLAN to Excel Program to not only share the information within my PLAN Method, but to support you while you apply it in your business.


The PLAN to Excel Program

The PLAN to Excel program is a six month Christian business membership designed to help you build a TOTAL STRATEGIC SUPPORT SYSTEM into your business model so you can create stress-free, Spirit-led success. Throughout the semi-synchronous, group coaching program you'll learn my signature PLAN Method for creating a custom operations model for your company—aka your MASTER PLAN—that gives you the intentional structure & strategic planning to take your business from yet another burden (on your already weary shoulders) to a soul igniting, purpose fulfilling, JOYFUL Christian company.

By the end of the program you’ll have built a business that runs smoothly, routinely hits its goals, preserves your work-life balance, fulfills your deepest purpose, and impacts the lives of the people you serve for the better, WITHOUT sacrificing yourself or engulfing your already full schedule in the process. 

The program is complete with:

  • Do-it-yourself Modules to train you on the principles and practices to organize your business like a well-oiled machine and automate your business to create more passive income

  • Done-for-you Templates to implement your new techniques and strategies quickly and easily

  • Bi-Weekly Group coaching from myself and intentionally selected experts to improve your results

  • A tangible MASTER PLAN manual to govern your business now and into the future

  • Alignment activities that allow you to tap into Divine flow and create the powerful, impactful business God destined you for

  • An exclusive PLAN to Excel Community of like-minded business owners on the same journey to alignment, balance, and flow

  • Weekly accountability from myself and the group to create and maintain your MASTER PLAN for your ideal state business

But this isn’t your average, cookie cutter, “follow my exact steps and you’ll win” program. 

It is a Spirit-driven process that allows you to build a thriving business that is aligned with your God-given talents, time, treasure, and lifestyle.  

I’ve witnessed the transformational power of a well curated MASTER PLAN over and over again. I've seen it...

Take an annual fundraiser from $200k to over $1M in just 3 years

Change the client onboarding process from 2 weeks of meetings and emails to just 2 clicks of a button

Empower a CEO to increase prices by 5900% with no additional effort in the business

Solidify the blueprint to scale a business from one city to nationwide success

Open the door to more leads and more clients without more time, effort, or access on your end

Help Christian business owners like YOU grow with grace no matter how big, blessed, or busy you get

This program is the totality of my knowledge on creating a business that is predestined to prosper, and it continues to grow as I learn and experience more every day.

It is the culmination of nearly a decade of corporate experience, coupled with years as an entrepreneur, developing and executing strategic action plans that lead to greater results, greater reach, and greater success. And now it’s your turn… 

If you’re ready to master how to spend your time, how to structure your company, and how to make success an intentional, repeatable, strategic accomplishment, for yourself and for the glory of God, then this is the perfect thing for you!

PLAN to Excel Program Breakdown

There are four key elements that make the PLAN to Excel Program the robust, business changing, life altering program that it is. 

Video & Resource Vault

Go at your own pace training to help you reach your next level on your own terms.

70+ Trainings, Templates, and Techniques to help you learn and apply the kingdom principles and best practices of the Christian entrepreneurship including

  • Training videos and guided exercises to help you understand and implement the PLAN Method.

  • Done-for-you templates to apply new practices in your business with ease.

  • A suggestion box to request additional information you need to make this the best experience possible.

Intentional Group Coaching

Hands-on support to help you implement your new structure with no fear.

Learn from me, each other, and carefully selected outside experts through any and all of the following means:

  • Pop-up Training Sessions

  • Video Vault Office Hours

  • Co-working & Accountability

  • Bi-monthly expert speaker series

Carefully Curated Community

A collective of like-minded Christian entrepreneurs who get it.

The PLAN to Excel community is a carefully curated space of Christian and purpose-driven entrepreneurs on the same mission. We are visionaries, revolutionaries, curse breakers and changemakers who are ready to DO THE WORK, make a difference, and be the evidence of God’s excellence on earth.


The tangible toolkit you'll need to thrive under any amount of pressure.

One of the biggest issues I’ve had with the coaching programs that I’ve experienced is an overemphasis on mindset and a lack of tangible takeaways. So as part of the PLAN to Excel Program I made sure to include a tangible outcome that would represent everything you discover and develop during your time in the Program. 

Create Your Final MASTER PLAN to Run and Grow your Business with Ease and Excellence!

Once you complete the six month, semi-synchronous program you'll have completed a final MASTER PLAN that outlines every process, system, strategy, and structure you need to succeed in your business.

This MASTER PLAN is your blueprint outlining how you’ll work smarter, serve and sell at your highest levels, and do it all in divine alignment with God's greater vision for your company!

Your MASTER PLAN will include your:

  • Custom Operations Strategy

  • One Page Business Plan

  • Annual Strategic Plan

  • Sustainable Profit Strategy

  • CEO Dashboard

My Intentions

I created this program with a few specific intentions in mind:

Clarity of Approach

After the program, your practices will not be a result of circumstance. You will identify what it feels like to run the business of your dreams and consciously choose to fulfill that prophecy.  Whether you’re a solopreneur, leader of a small team, or CEO of a major player, your company will be on one accord, with one goal, and one outcome. Success. 

Clarity of Direction

Through the trainings, you will choose your destination and DECIDE to get there by any means. You won’t be reacting to the pull of wherever life takes you. You will stand in your power as a chosen vessel of God, choose a path for the future of your company, and plot a calculated, intentional plan to get there no matter what. 

Clarity of Purpose

The program will ensure that every move you make in business is with purpose and on purpose. Your achievements will not be because of a fluke, because of luck, or due to a happy accident. Each choice and action will be grounded in fact & faith to push you toward greater heights and your fullest potential as a leader and as a brand.

Clarity of Mind

When your house is in order you can breathe a bit easier. Upon program completion, you'll rest easy knowing that your work is organized and ready to thrive no matter who you delegate to or work with. You'll release the mental load of being and doing it all in your business, and you'll confidently run your company knowing that it’s on God's predestined path to success.

With these four pillars in mind, each training is designed to move you closer to your ideal state of business, deeper into your purpose, closer to God, and further into your never ending winning season. They will give you tools and techniques to run the best business possible and be the best CEO you can be for the greatest impact, greatest results and greatest Glory for God.

This is how you'll find undeniable success and delight in your work every day in your business that will having you dancing and praising like King David.


Holistic Life Stylist & Boutique Owner - Azili Almaz

Happy Client Testimonial!

"The PLAN to Excel program curates a safe space for entrepreneurs to be innovative, creative, heard and inspired to take the necessary steps to scale their business.

My biggest wins are learning and recognizing how to invest and balance my personal and business time because both are equally important. Through the program's guidance and community, I was able to find the motivation & time to branch out my comfort zone and schedule some upcoming events for Azili Almaz.

Anj is amazing and truly cares for her clients. You'll definitely walk out of each program/session/ meeting feeling 100 times better than you did before it started. You'll have more clarity around how to navigate the industry. If you stay consistent, listen and take heed to Anj's suggestions and knowledge, you'll definitely see a difference in your entrepreneurial journey."

My signature PLAN Method is the easiest, most effective way for Christian business owners to create a stress-free, God-led business model so they can work less while helping more people, making more money, and ACTUALLY enjoying their business and life.

How to clear any old thoughts blocking your clear path to success...

You may be thinking...

Roadblock 1

"I don't have time to stop working and make a plan. There's too much to get done."

Clearing it out

Brian Tracy couldn't have said it any better, "For every 1 minute of planning you save 10 minutes of execution." The problem isn't how much time you have, it's how you're using your time. A good business structure can free up hours in your day, eliminate unneeded tasks completely, increase the effectiveness of the actions you are taking, and clear out the mental clutter keeping you moving slow.

Roadblock 2

"I don't know how to make a plan. I'm just winging it right now."

Clearing it out

I promise you're doing a lot better than you think. And the fact that you're looking to improve is promising in and of itself. Here's what you need to know. Winging it eventually turns into your process. And with a little guidance you'll be able to transform your off-the-cuff reaction into a tried and true strategy for sustainable success. There's even ways to create your strategy while you work to capture your actual efforts and quantify your steps.

Roadblock 3

"Planning is boring. How do I make this process fun and worthwhile for me? "

Clearing it out

Through the series of interactive trainings, done-for-you templates and community engagement, not only will you enjoy the process, you'll build a business that makes you feel more fulfilled, more aligned, and happier every single day. You'll stand taller, become more confident in your gifts, meet people on the same path as you, serve God at a higher level, and get to help people every single day. What's more fun than that?

Roadblock 4

"I don’t need a plan for my business. I'm doing perfectly fine without one."

Clearing it out

Lack of planning is one of the most commonly recognized reasons for why businesses fail. The way you're currently working may hold up for a while, but can it survive through the stress test of massive growth? And honestly, would you have made it this far down the page if you truly believed that? Create your PLAN now and ensure your success no matter what in the future!

By the time you finish the PLAN to Excel program, you'll be equipped with the skills, structure, systems, and strategy to make this business (and any future business) the well-oiled, client serving, purpose fulfilling, cash producing, soul-igniting, JOYFUL, life-first business of your dreams.

Knowing if You're the Right Fit

I can confidently say that my expertise spans across industry, income level, company size, and reach. And that no matter what level you're at in your business, there are resources to meet you where you are and take you to the next level. Your success in the program lies more within your dedication to learning the principles, applying the P.L.A.N. method, and sticking to the strategy you create with relentless loyalty.

This is for you if

  • You are a Christian entrepreneur who knows that your time, talents, and treasure are destined to serve others through your business

  • You’re ready to take charge of your time, energy, and focus for the good of your company

  • You’re ready to find your divinely-aligned path to consistent wins and repeatable success

  • You’re ready to build a sustainable business that brings you the balance and total freedom you desire

  • You’re ready to kiss confusion and chaos goodbye and walk confidently in your plans

  • You’re ready to show God your inspired action and welcome in His blessings

  • You’re ready to prepare to succeed through any season, with every business, for God's glory and for your good!

This is NOT for you if

  • You’re not willing to prioritize your time to set yourself up for success in the future

  • You're not willing to spend 2 hours a week planning to free up 20 hours a week in execution

  • You don’t believe you’re in charge of your success as the CEO of a company

  • You're happy making excuses for why you can't reach your full potential in your life and business

  • You don't believe God is meant to play a role in your business and success

  • You like running a small, confused, chaotic, minimally profitable business that’s constantly at risk

  • You don’t know that your God-given gifts are meant to be used to help others and change the world

  • You're only in business to get rich quick

Types of Clients I've Proudly Served

  • Social Media Managers

  • General Contractors

  • IV Hydration Clinics 

  • Electricians

  • Course & Membership Creators

  • Churches

  • Trucking Companies

  • Cleaning Companies

  • Graphic Designers

  • Lawyers

  • Clothing Boutiques

  • Career Coaches

  • Podcasters

  • Real Estate Agents

    & Investors

  • Social Workers

  • Event Curators

  • Brand Managers

  • UGC Creators

  • Financial Specialists 

  • Business Coaches

  • Nonprofit Organizations

  • School & University Administrators

  • Light Workers & Energy Healers

  • Dog Breeders

  • Therapists & Mental Health Professionals

  • Digital Marketers


Speaker, Author & Chef - WELL Fed Resources

Happy Client Testimonial!

"No way I could be moving in real time the way I am without having gone thru the PLAN to Excel Program! Looking forward to the next phase! Worth every penny!"

Divinely Aligned PRIORITIES + Spirit Driven PRACTICES = Unstoppable RESULTS and Undeniable PEACE for Christian entrepreneurs.

At this point, you're probably wondering about the nitty gritty details.

So here's what's included in the PLAN to Excel Program.

With all the incredible information, resources, and access to me in the program, I could easily charge $10,000 for this. And I've seen comparable programs charging that amount for less support, fewer resources, and fickle results. But I know that in serving you, I'm helping you reach more clients, serve more people, obey God, and change the world at a greater capacity.

So, I've made the PLAN to Excel Program accessible through two distinct plans.

Elevate Plan

  • 4-Phase PLAN Method Framework: Vault of 60+ pre-made business lessons and resources

  • 2 Bonus Modules: Systems to Get Paid & the Better Business Masterclass Bundle

  • 20+ Done For You Process & Workflow Templates

  • Bi-Weekly group coaching calls for Office hours, Q&A sessions, co-working, lessons, and more (60-90 minutes)

  • Bi-Monthly Expert Speakers

  • Access to the Exclusive Plan to Excel Community

  • Quarterly 90-Minute Strategy Session w/ Coach Anj


or a 6-Pay Payment plan of $394/month!

Elite Plan

  • 4-Phase PLAN Method Framework: Vault of 60+ pre-made business lessons and resources

  • 2 Bonus Modules: Systems to Get Paid & the Better Business Masterclass Bundle

  • 20+ Done For You Process & Workflow Templates

  • Bi-Weekly group coaching calls for Office hours, Q&A sessions, co-working, lessons, and more (60-90 minutes)

  • Bi-Monthly Expert Speakers

  • Access to the Exclusive Plan to Excel Community

  • Quarterly 90-Minute Strategy Session w/ Coach Anj


or a 6-Pay Payment Plan of $444/month!

Plus when you join the program you get these additional resources at no cost to you!

Bonus Module: Systems to Get Paid

$597 value

Create sales workflows to bring in income on repeat with every product you sell and every service you offer.

Bonus Module: Better Business Masterclass Bundle

$588 value

Four additional Masterclasses to learn, grow, and build your business from the ground up.

10% off a Future 1:1 Service

up to $450 value

Phase Completion Gifts

$200 value

Free Workbooks & More!

$200 value

90-Day Money Back Guarantee**

Try it virtually risk free!

Because I am so confident in the transformational power of this program, I’m willing to offer it to you with a 90-day money back guarantee**. If after you complete the program you're not satisfied with your experience, just reach out and let us know. If you can show me you've done the work to create and execute your MASTER PLAN and it didn't transform your business, I'll return 100% of your investment. With a deal like that what have you got to lose?


Why is the program 6 months long?

There are 6 modules within the program that house over 60 lessons, each of which builds upon the previous one. And I'm adding more valuable resources every day. The six month period is to give you the time to learn, implement, and see the results from your time in the program.

The six modules include:

  • Your Business Your Way

  • Phase 1: Processes & Procedures

  • Phase 2: Leveraging Your Resources

  • Phase 3: Adjust & Amplify

  • Phase 4: Nonnegotiable Success

  • Finalizing your MASTER PLAN

What is the weekly time commitment to see success in this program?

I know that you're an active Entrepreneur with a full plate so I've designed this program to get you results with just 2 hours a week. This breaks down to one synchronous hour for the live group coaching call and one hour working through the video vault at your own convenience (whether that's all at once or spread over a few days is up to you). With just 2 hours you should be able to create real, lasting results in your levels of service, sales, and serenity for your business.

Do I have to show up live to every session for all six months?

While attending each live bi-weekly session is not mandatory it is HIGHLY recommended. Your commitment to showing up and doing the work not only speeds up your time to getting results, it helps you build rapport with the other CEOs in your cohort, and gets you as much direct access to Coach Anj as possible. However we know life happens, so each group session is also recorded for you to view at your leisure. Plus the video vault of resources is available for you to go through on your own time.

What if there's something I want to learn that isn't covered?

The beauty of this program is that it is custom tailored to our members. After each phase there's a suggestion box that allows you to submit additional topics you'd like to see covered. The program will regularly be updated with additional trainings and lessons as we hear from you. And with bi-weekly member meetups and trainings from Coach Anj, you'll be able to ask your questions, give your input, and make this experience truly your own.

Is there a payment plan?

Yes! Both the Elevate and the Elite plans have 6-pay payment plan options that allow you to split your investment over your time in the program.

Money Back Guarantee Terms & Conditions**

**Offer valid for first time PLAN to Excel customers only. Must be redeemed within 90 calendar days following the completion of the program. To receive your refund you must complete the full six month program and provide evidence of a completed MASTER PLAN that you have acted on. All refunds are subject to review and approval by Coach Anj at her discretion.

More Questions? Send us an email, DM on Instagram or book a 15-Minute Alignment call!

But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.”

2 Chronicles 15:7

About Expert Anjanee

Anjanee Ferguson is an operations strategist and international business coach who empowers impact-driven business owners to create total freedom through systems. She believes servant leaders deserve to make an impact AND create wealth without burning themselves out or compromising their beliefs. Through online software and automation, Anjanee teaches Spirit-led entrepreneurs to run their businesses from a place of ease and excellence and set themselves up for years of lasting success.